Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Rugby World Cup!

Yes, the rugby world cup is coming up next year and it is happening in New Zealand. The rugby world cup was first held in New Zealand which they won but that was the last time they had touched the trophy. They are planning to win this one but I don't think they will because the team is so old and I think Australia will win this world cup although I want the Springboks to win.

I really want to go the one of the games but I don't think we will be going because we can't get tickets. But we will able to watch it on the television. Maybe the All Blacks have a slight advantage because it's their home ground but we will just have to wait and see.


Is happening next term and I have already got a topic to do my speech on. It is.... I can't tell you. Well I'm very excited and I hope I win. If I don't win, at least I tried my best. Last year I was like the back up and since Atarah wasn't here, I was supposed to substitute her but unfortunately I wasn't here too. But we were still happy at the end because Bridget had won and she was in our class. She did a speech about animal cruelty.

Well we all need to wait for the speeches and all do our best.

Oh nooooooo.... Homework Needs To Be Done

At the start of the year we got handed this homework challenges sheet to our class and we have to do 10 challenges before sometime in November. I've only done three and I have a few more I need to wait until the end of the year because that's when the challenge that I'm doing is done. I am kinda freaking out because what if I don't finish it or something like that.

Hope I am able to finish my homework challenges before the date but if I don't....

Hehehehehe...... Grandparents Galore

Yes, grandparents galore. Well that's because I have so many and I love them to bits. I have about 7 grandparents and they all spoil me a lot. Let me introduce them. Most of you people know my grandad who does the road thingamajig everyday for the school just to help out and he takes care of me when my mum and dad are at work. Also there is my grandma who loves me me so much, she comes and see's me everyday no matter where she is and loves getting kisses and hugs from me. There is another grandma of mine that also loves me a lot but can't able to see me because she doesn't live 2 minutes away like the first grandma I talked about. My other grandad AKA my grandma's husband loves me too but right now he is quite sick. Yet another grandma and she is the eldest out of the three and she loves her cleaning and something to do with making the house tidier. When I was little she took care of me and loves spending time with me. Unfortunately my grandad passed away when I wasn't even born but I know a lot about him because my mum keeps saying stuff about him. Last but not least is my great grandma. You should know about her because I wrote a blog post abut her a few days ago.

I really love my grandparents and they all play a huge part in my life and I am so glad there are in my life.

Hooliday Deja-vu on Thursday...

Yes, I had Deja-vu today and it was just like Monday where I had to go places with my grandad which I wouldn't go to even if I was dead. Not really doing anything but staying home today but I'm not at my house, I'm at my grandads house which is like 2 minutes away from mine. This day is no different as we still have to pick up my mum and grandma from the city which I sometimes would do anything to not go and pick them up. Today we had Subway because my grandad didn't have time to buy it for us yesterday but instead of having Subway yesterday, we had home made pizza. Tonight we will be going to the mall, finally something to excite me.

Read my blog for Friday of my hoolidays as it might be exciting.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Awesome Great Grandma!

Yes she is awesome because, well she just is. She is 84 years old and you might think she is not really able to walk properly, well your right. Granny (That's what I call her) pretty much has been there all of my life and I never get tired of her all though she sometimes tells me do to stuff which has no purpose of doing. If she see's a bunch of dirty clothes sitting around she will not just sit there all day staring at it, she will immediately get off the sofa and go put the bunch of clothes in the tub and wash the cloths with her hands.

She loves me to bits and I do too. I remember her changing my diapers everyday when I was little and was so still because I think I was kind of scared of her then.

Granny plays a really big part in my life and I am very lucky that she is in my life. For all the people that have great grandparents, enjoy your time with them as much as you can because you are very fortunate that you have them in your life.

Yet Another Day Of The Hoolidays Gone...

Yeah, it's another day of the hoolidays gone and it felt like it was just 3 hours. Today's Wednesday and we just came back from the pools where I went on this weird ladder thing where you have to run as fast as you can and then jump off. I also did the Hydro slide. Now as usual, I'm going to pick up my mum and grandmother from the city. As I told you on my other blog that we were going to the movies yesterday, well we did and we watched Grown Up. You might think that that movie would not be appropriate but yes it is. It was about..... I'm not telling you. Well that is it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Second Day Of My Hoolidays.... The First is Monday

The second day of my hoolidays and we are sitting at home, well I'm writing my blog. My cousin is here from America. I'm just kiddin' about the America part but my cousin is here from Mt Wellington and no that is not in Wellington. We are all vegetarian today so that means no meat....ohhh. But it's my religion so I just have to suck it up and move on. Were going to watch a movie tonight but we don't have a clue what to watch but My cousin and I will decide soon. So that will pretty much be the day.

Since I didn't write a blog about the first day of my hoolidays, here it is. As usual, I woke up, got dressed but that was the only time I had to relax. My grandad took me everywhere and you might be thinking that would be cool because he's taking you places, Well it's not. He took me places that I wouldn't go if I was dead and I bet you wouldn't either. But finally we went to Papatoetoe to get my cousin from her dads shop. Then it started again. We went to pick my mum and grandma from the city which I have to do every school day. Then we drove back home which took half an hour and my cousin and I played and played until about 7:00pm. Now you probably know whats going to happen next because my hand are hurting right now.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Yesssssss Man U Have Won..........Not Really

Yeah not really because they drew against Bolton Wanderers.Man U have beaten them for the last 3 year but it had to happen that they draw.

The scoring started as Bolton scored by a corner in the 6th minute. I turned red with anger. Then Nani had a beautiful dribble towards the goal like a Cristiano Ronaldo type run and was gifted an awesome goal half way through the first half. But the Wanderers weren't done yet. Just after the second half a marvelous shot that deflected off Fletcher gave them a one goal advantage. Man U was playing catch up football so they scored another goal which Owen had hit. That goal happened half way though the second half.

It was all over and I wasn't so happy because I wanted them to win every game but well, I can't decide how they play, they decide how they play.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Terrific Turbo Touch!

"Come on lets go" Ezrah said. It was a cloudy Wednesday morning and Ezrah, Viliami, Michael and I were going to Turbo Touch at Henderson Intermediate. Now your probably wondering what in the world is turbo touch, well it is a cross between Netball and Touch so that means you can pass the ball forward. There is 10 players on the court, so that there is 5 in a team on the court. Also there is a box to score tries and you can't go in it and if you do it's offside. 2 touches then it's a handover. Touch and pass is when you get touched and then you pass the ball, so you will need to handover the ball. The ball should not bounce otherwise it will be a handover again.

Our first game was against Swanson and we beat them 6-1. We were surprised that we beat them by such a big margin because we didn't know we were that good. We also played another Swanson team and we beat them 5-2. Our third game was much tougher as we drew with Henderson North 6-6. Next we were playing Pomaria, who had won all their games and we were quite nervous because if we won this we would have won the tournament but we would have been fine if we came in a close second because we all had fun. Unfortunately it didn't really go our way the first half as we were losing 5-2. But Mrs Pulmans inspirational speech(Not really inspirational)gave us a big boost and we scored 4 tries in the second half and they only scored 1. At the end it was a tie and they won by points.

We all cheered on for Swanson as they were playing Henderson North and Vili and even made little banners saying "Go Swanson". Swanson won but I don't know the score.

We all had fun and enjoyed it all though we didn't win.

Chelsea Leading The Table....Stink!

Chelsea is leading the Premier League table with a beautiful 5 game winning streak. Close behind with 11 point are Arsenal and Man United but Arsenal is 2nd because of goal difference. Liverpool, one of the other star teams are coming a hopeless 16th with only one win, one draw and three losses. With Wigan Athletic with 4 points, Everton with 2 and West Ham with only 1 they are in the contention of bailing out of the first Division and three other teams will come from the second division and replace them at the start of next season.

Whatever happens I will always want Manchester United to win this season and I'm sure they will.

Commonwelth Games...

The Commonwealth Games is like the Olympics I think and this year it's happening in New Dheli, India. I will not be writing a lot because I don't really know much about it so I'm just giving a short briefing.

Commonwealth Games is like the Olympics as I mentioned before but I don't think it is as big as the Olympics. Countries like New Zealand, Australia, America and other countries around the world participate in this event but a lot are planning to pull out this year because there have been a lot of terrorist attacks in India lately. But I don't think the New Zealand teams have pulled out. One Australian Discuss Champion has pulled out because she says she doesn't want to take the risk.

So there is your short briefing about the Commonwealth Games that I didn't really know about until it showed on the news.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Most Adorable Person In My Life!

Rehan, my baby cousin who is the most adorable person in my life. He just turned 2 and I'm writing about him because well one, I just love him and two, I had nothing else to write about, but mostly the number one. So back to the topic. He was born on the 20th September 2008 in Auckland New Zealand and if you want me to be more specific, he was born in Middlemore Hospital. He loves Thomas the Train and can sit on the sofa watching it but no, he doesn't, he keeps on running around and sometimes I get tired and sit down. So if you know me that would be quite unusual.

He loves me and I'm not just saying that, he really does love me and he calls me Aashay Bhaiya. Bhaiya means brother in Hindi but if you have to translate it to English you would not say Aashay Brother, you would say Brother Aashay.

I'm not going to give a big description and say how he looks and all that but I just want to tell you guys that that's Rehan.

Man U Stikes Again!

Man U has striked again with a convincing 3-2 victory against their rivals Liverpool. A stooping header in the first half, then a beautiful bicycle kick and a towering header in the second, earned the Bulgarian, Dimitar Berbetov a standing ovation from the Old Trafford faithful and his team all three, priceless points. John O’Shea’s 84th-minute cross triumphantly past Pepe Reina. Liverpool had dragged themselves from 0-2 down to 2-2 with Steven Gerrard scoring from a penalty and a free-kick in a six-minute spell.

With the rain steadily falling at Old Trafford, the Reds attempted to put the early skids under the visitors. Nani, in particular, tested new Liverpool full-back Paul Konchesky on United’s right wing and forced a couple of corners one of which Nemanja Vidic nearly converted with a header over the bar. However, the Portuguese winger spurned a wonderful opening in the 16th minute when, after being slipped into space inside the box by Rooney, he took a touch too many and enabled Liverpool to get three bodies between him and the goal. With his best shooting chance gone, he returned the ball to his team-mate; when Rooney’s effort was then blocked, Nani unfortunatly missed on the rebound.

While it was still raining, United’s search for a breakthrough did not. After a brief alarm bell when Glen Johnson fired centimetres wide of the far post from Liverpool’s first corner, normal service resumed. The play, however, was not flowing as it did in the early stages, Howard Webb not helping the mood of the home crowd or the manager by blowing up for some petty fouls in Liverpool’s favour and ignoring a Konchesky challenge that left Nani clutching his face.

Putting pressure on Pepe Reina’s goal eventually paid off three minutes before the break, when Ryan Giggs whipped a second corner in quick succession into the box and Dimitar Berbatov broke free from Fernando Torres to bury a header. The Bulgarian’s fifth goal of the season, his fourth in the league, sent United into the dressing room with a deserved 1-0 lead.

Nani rattled a post as the Reds continued in the same run after the break, while Fletcher’s deflected shot dropped between Berbatov and Reina, with the Liverpool keeper just managing to snaffle the ball. United’s number nine would not be denied his double for much longer, he claimed it in glorious style in the 59th minute, with most likely his greatest goal for the Reds so far. Controlling Nani’s left footed cross with his thigh, Berbatov did a awesome bicycle kick, over Reina’s head and off the cross bar.

 After giving Edwin van der Sar nothing to do for an hour, the visitors gained a penalty when Jonny Evans sent Torres tumbling in the area. United’s goalkeeper was well beaten by Steven Gerrard. The same was true from a free-kick six minutes later. This time the Liverpool skipper was faced with a wall, but his shot somehow found its way between Fletcher and the man who’d committed the second foul on Torres, John O’Shea.

 For the second game in a row United has let 2 goals slip through but not any more because they are going to win every other game and tthey will win the Premeir Leage!  Sorry I wrote to much but thank you for going with it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

One Term To Go Till Schools Over......ohhhhhhhhhhhh

Oh no, schools almost over and we only have one term left until we will be going to intermediate. All the year sixes will be moving on to intermediate and having to do homework every night. I will be fine with that and also will be having fun in intermediate but not as much fun I have in primary.

I wish our school was going up to intermediate because it's the best school ever and it makes it even more better with the best teacher in the world, Miss Davies. But well it's not going up to intermediate but I wasn't joking about the best school and teacher part.

Hope the time from now and the end of the year goes really slow and we should have as much fun as we can.

The Day it All Changed

On the 29th of June we got to measure things in our classroom. We did this because we were going to change our classroom around which was really exciting for us because we will not have desks except for one or two. We needed to find out all the measurements of everything so that we knew if it would be the right size to fit or not. We had to work with people we don’t normally work with. I was working with Josh. Before we started Miss Davies gave us a short learning session about measurement.

We had to do a worksheet which asked us to measure something but we had to estimate it first. We moved on to doing perimeter and area. To work out the area of a shape without using a grid is to use your ruler and measure the width and then the length you then times the length and then width.

We also learnt how to find the area and perimeter of a compound shape. You have to split the shape into the shapes it could be and then measure the area of each shape and put those answers together and then you get the answer. We learnt that the Perimeter of a shape is the outside of it and that the Area is the space inside it.

We all love our class and it is the best!

Sports Exchange is all over :(

It's so sad that the Sports Exchange is all over but when we were all playing our sports we all played our hardest and we all had fun!

We went to Te Pai to play and we only knew 2 days before this day and we had no where to go before we found out.

We had all played between 3-5 games.  I thought That we were going to at least lose one game but luckily
we were undefeated. well for Yellow team.  The blue were also undefeated although they lost to the Yellow team but we were  both Summerland so it doesn't really count.  That means we were both undefeated.  The results for the Yellow team was 5-0, 5-0 and 3-1 and I also scored 3 goals.

It was really fun and everyone enjoyed the replacement of the real Winter Field Day because it was quite similar to the real one but less teams and more fun.


On Friday 20th We had our iClean day. it was the day we all helped out the school and cleaned it all up and make it look way better. It all started when Room 17 were doing our homelinks and then Stuart Hale video called Miss Davies and told us that there was an emergency. He said that Apple Bust tour was coming on Monday 23rd and said the school didn’t look very good as it used to be. So we all thought of how we could help make the school look better. We got into our star groups and thought of questions, how we can help the school. Afterwards we took photos of the problems around the school. Then we listed all of the problems on a sheet of paper and on inspiration. We got into super groups by merging two star groups and named them. Together in our super groups we picked an area to clean up. Afterwards we made an action plans and thought of which tools we need.

On Friday it was the big day, we all got prepared in our Anawhata shirts and old clothes ready to clean up the school. We all worked really hard and afterwards it looked really good but we all were soaked. When Mr Hale came on the day he said it looked AWESOME and he wasn't joking!

We were all proud of ourselves and thought we all did a good job. That meant Summerland was still a beautiful school and always will be.

Discovery Time

In the Anawhata All Stars Crew we do discovery time every Friday.  We have a different topic every week and the topic have something to do with our learning like perseverance and self management.  For self management we needed to finish the activity we got in the time period.  We had activities like 3D shapes, Hand Lillies, Fluffy Sheep and finger painting. Perseverance was about not giving up and keep on trying.  We had activities like  making pompoms and sticking pieces together to make a animal and other activities.  I don't really finish the things because there has to be one of them that I have to stuff up on.

It is really fun because we are all having fun and at the same time we are learning something new.

Uni's so Awesome!

I was so excited as I was going to yet another University on Wheels class and this time it was Forensic Science.

University on Wheels is a class which a selected amount of people got chosen including me because I'm so special to go to and you get to do classes like Mighty Mathman, Word Wizardry, Forensic Science and a lot of other classes.  I was one of them and I went to Math Magic, Word Wizardry, Forensic Science, Mighty Mathman and I will be going to Psychology for Kids.  When we did Forensic Science, we had a mystery about who stole the cookie and other small mystery's.  At the end we solved the mystery after all and I was so relieved.

Uni on Wheels is so fun especially doing Maths Magic because we got to learn magic trick but had something to do with maths.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Yesssssss".........Winter field Day!

Well actually Summerland Sports exchange.  But we are all still very exited and can't wait for the 15th September as that is the day were we go a play 3 games each.  This one won't be as serious as the one we wanted to have at the start but it will still be fun.

I'm playing hockey and you need a mouth guard, shin pads, long socks and a hockey stick which is optional.  There is also other sports like soccer, netball, rugby and kiwi sport.  I like soccer but I wanted to try something different so I'm doing hockey.

I hope all the teams at least win one game and most importantly have fun.  

Parents at School!

 It would be a funny scene to watch our parents in a class learning.  Well it actually came true, a few parents of room 17 and 12 were sitting in our class with us and got ready to learn about google search, wordle and a whole heap of other computer gadgets and information.

4:45pm, "Mum time to go" I said to my mum as it was time for my mum to go to school and learn.  We sat down at a desk together and there was some lollies in the bowl.  They were there for us to eat so my mum put the lollies on my side and kept gobbling them in. " Mum, it's not dinner" I whispered to her and she quickly put it on my side but I didn't eat any then.

Ok now it started and there we were, sitting in class at 5o'clock learning.  Miss Signal and Miss Davies introduced themselves to us and Miss Signal told us to go on google search and my mum was already struggling.  She finally  got on and she had a sigh of relief.  Miss Signal taught us a lot of things on how to search, for example,  When you want to search What is a Taniwha?, if you put speech marks beside the question like this("What is a Taniwha") you will get the exact thing you searched for.  We learnt a lot of similar things to that and then we learnt how to use the safe search settings.  You can put a safe search on your computer and you can restrict it so you won't get inappropriate things.  By then I started eating the lollies and my dad came.  We also learnt wordle.  Wordle is a site where you can see what word you have used the most by just writing down the URL.

It was really worth it although before school started I thought "who would want to go to school at 5o'clock", well I changed my mind because we learnt something new.


It all started when the Anawhata pod were sitting in a assembly when we hear the teachers talking about a production, well that's what I kinda heard.  Then we found out that we were actually going to a production about a movie called Annie.

 It was a cloudy Monday morning as we waited for the bus to arrive.  We had to wait for about 10 minutes until the bus eventually appeared.  We hopped on and we were on our way to Henderson Intermediate School.  There were a few other schools with us who were sitting on the bleaches and we had front row seats, well actually second row seat because we let the little kids sit up the front.  At the end we all thought the production was awesome.  All the actors were great and they were only 1 or 2 years older than us.

I loved the acting of the person who played Ms Hannigan as she was amazing and made us all silent as she started talking. I also like the acting of the person whe played Annie, with good expressions and a great voise when she sang the songs.

Everyone enjoyed the performance including me and I would like to say thank-you to the people who put so much time into the production and entertained us really well.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome to "Aashay, Living Hard & Loving Life

Hey guys, my name is Aashay and I live in Auckland, New Zealand but I was born in Lautoka, Fiji.  I enjoy maths, reading and I love sport.

Thanks to the one and only Miss Davies we get to have our very own blog!  On this blog I will be writing about my learning, what I am interested in and whats happening out in the world. Please comment on my blog and also all my other classmates blogs.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Instant Alpha!

We did Instant Alpha in Room 17 on Monday 30th August.  We had to get into pairs but my group had three because we had an odd number of people in our class.  We all got 1 computer per pair/group.  Instant Alpha is a tool that you can put yourself on something.

For example you get a picture of the Eifel Tower which has to be landscape, and you might take a picture of you touching the Eifel Tower or you would do what one of my classmates did, they took a picture of themselves and made themselves taller than the Eifel Tower and she was touching the top of the Eifel Tower. Ten you need to Instant Alpha it, you will able to take off the parts which you don't want of the Eifel Tower and you can do the same thing with your picture.  You also can do it with a soccer player. You follow the same steps but if you want to just have the head and leave the body, you instant alpha the body of your picture and instant alpha the head of the soccer player picture.

Once we finished our picture we went and showed the teacher and if she said it was good, she told us to save it in the server. My picture was of me celebrating a goal for Man United. I picked a brown skined person because I am brown and it would look funny with the picture have a brown head and the rest of the body skin colour. 

It was so much fun doing instant alpha because you got to put yourself in a scene that you really like.