Thursday, October 7, 2010

Brain Freeze...Neck Freeze...Chest Freeze...?

Right now (9:32pm, Thursday 7 October 2010) I'm having this freezing drink that keeps giving me a brain freeze, chest freeze and a neck freeze. This happens when you have something cold so you get kind of a cold breeze inside your body but I don't know how it happens. Although I'm still getting brain, neck and chest freezes I'm not gonna stop drinking because it's soooo nice. There a ways you can stop your brain, neck or chest freeze and here they are but this is not all the ways to stop them there are more.

The first way to stop it is to start laugh with your mouth open after you have had a bite, sip or whatever it is which will allow some warm air to enter your mouth. Then put your tongue on the roof of your mouth for a few seconds but you must put you tongue flat on the roof of your mouth not just the tip.

The second way to stop it is if you feel a sharp pain in the back of your neck that's Brain Freeze, place the palm of your hand on your neck and rub it.

Another way to stop painful Brain Freeze is to cup your hand over your mouth and nose. Then, breathe in and out quickly through your mouth. Your warm breathe will help warm the nerves above the roof of your mouth.

As soon as you feel that headache or pain in your neck start, drink some warm water. The water will help warm your mouth and stop the pain.
Now there are more but those are a few. So that's the story of brain freeze...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go brain freeze.

I just can't wait for Summer so I can have some really groovy brain freeze moments.

Why groovy you ask. Well, at my age you get brain freeze everyday except this is not caused by yummy ice cream. It is caused by....................wait, I think I am having a brain freeze right now.