Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sooory....I Mean Sorry But It Just Sounds Better

Just forget about the title and read the rest of this post. I'm sorry for not blogging in the last few days and before you get all mad here's my excuse. I was eaten by a crocodile....kiddin', I was at Rotorua for a few day. Now that's not really an excuse but just go with it. Anyway it was just like the other 100 trips I've done there ( not really 100 but about 20). But this time it was my choice of where we stay. Obviously I was going to pick a really posh hotel and guess what? We stayed at a posh hotel called Rydges. So enough about the posh hotel. There is one thing you must do when you go to Rotorua which is the Gondola's and Luge. I'm not gonna explain it so go search it up. Anyway in advance there was this man in front of me and when it was time to brake I kept going a banged into him on purpose and then quickly sped away laughing. It was awesome. We did so many things that I'm not going to mention cos I don't feel like it. So from now it will be back to normal, me posting everyday and yeah so sooory and Bobye

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