Saturday, October 16, 2010


Today (Saturday 16th October 2010) we just found a frog in our garden, well actually my uncles garden. It is a Green Bell Frog and it is an introduced species, that means it is not native to New Zealand but has been brought in. In this case from Australia. I never had seen a frog in New Zealand but now I have. When my grandad saw it he came and told us so we all went outside to see. He got a bucket and carefully collected it. Now I know why people say frogs are disgusting. Next we contained it and came inside to check what kind of species it was. It didn't look exactly the same as the one on the Internet but we e-mail MAF (Ministries of agri culture and fisheries) the pictures and they said it was a Green Bell Frog. They said to put the frog in a container, then put it in the fridge, next put it in the freezer and by then it will be dead so then we send it to them. Well didn't exactly want to do that so we are still keeping it in the bucket. They say a frogs can jump up to 2-3 metres high and long. I have no idea if it's dead or alive and I don't want to. So that's the story of a frog in a family garden which happens to be true.


SPS Superstars said...

Aashay - frogs are lovely!

7teen Crew said...

Ohh I have never seen a wild frog before! So you are lucky! Well kind of!

Unknown said...

Well, Aashay you can tell your friends, Miss Davies and Glenys that I freed the frog in a reserve where he would be able to spend the remainder of his days in froggy-paradise.