Friday, October 8, 2010

Father and Son Day.....

Well actually it was a god father and son day. My uncle who is my god father that gave my parents 50c to become my god parents and their is also my god mother. They gave my parents 50c because it is part of our religion and it's like giving a promise that you will protect the person if anything happens to the parents so they are like the back-up parents.  A few days ago my god father (uncle) was reading my blog and went went across a blog about me being so lonely so he took a day off today (Friday 8 October 2010) to spend the whole day with me. The moment I found out that he took a day off I was so happy because I hadn't done anything exciting this holiday's. Because I was at my grandma's house, he picked me up from there at 8:30 in the morning! It took both my other uncle and grandma an hour to wake me up. Ok enough of talking about how long it took me to wake up and back to the story. He got there and immediately we left. We started our day with a yummy breakfast at McDonald's and I had everything you would love to have for breakfast. After that we were drove to the cinemas to watch Dairy of a Wimpy Kid but unfortunately my uncle drove his way to the wrong cinema. But we sorted it out by waiting to 10:30am to watch the movie instead of 9:30am. The movie was awesome! Then we cruised to another uncle place to get some golf clubs to use at the driving range which is a place where you just drive balls and try to get the furthest hit. There was a car sitting in the middle of the driving range and you were able to hit it. I hit it twice but my god father said it went under the car. That was pretty much it for the activity's and now we were going to have lunch and we couldn't decide but eventually we did, Oporto's. That's was the end of our fun day and I gave him a big hug and said thank-you for the best day of my holiday's.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

50 Cents.....isn't that really cheap. Well at least he spent more than that on your special day.

By the way, what religion do you follow? I don't know of any religion that has god parents.