Saturday, September 25, 2010

Terrific Turbo Touch!

"Come on lets go" Ezrah said. It was a cloudy Wednesday morning and Ezrah, Viliami, Michael and I were going to Turbo Touch at Henderson Intermediate. Now your probably wondering what in the world is turbo touch, well it is a cross between Netball and Touch so that means you can pass the ball forward. There is 10 players on the court, so that there is 5 in a team on the court. Also there is a box to score tries and you can't go in it and if you do it's offside. 2 touches then it's a handover. Touch and pass is when you get touched and then you pass the ball, so you will need to handover the ball. The ball should not bounce otherwise it will be a handover again.

Our first game was against Swanson and we beat them 6-1. We were surprised that we beat them by such a big margin because we didn't know we were that good. We also played another Swanson team and we beat them 5-2. Our third game was much tougher as we drew with Henderson North 6-6. Next we were playing Pomaria, who had won all their games and we were quite nervous because if we won this we would have won the tournament but we would have been fine if we came in a close second because we all had fun. Unfortunately it didn't really go our way the first half as we were losing 5-2. But Mrs Pulmans inspirational speech(Not really inspirational)gave us a big boost and we scored 4 tries in the second half and they only scored 1. At the end it was a tie and they won by points.

We all cheered on for Swanson as they were playing Henderson North and Vili and even made little banners saying "Go Swanson". Swanson won but I don't know the score.

We all had fun and enjoyed it all though we didn't win.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wait. Stop the press. Hold on just a moment.

Regardless of the fact that it is a completely unheard of and fruit-salad of a mixture of a game, is this yet another sport you are into?

Did you not read my comment about you already playing too many sports. Kids these days......

Keep it up. :)