Friday, December 17, 2010

Yellow, 5 and the Simpsons

The Simpsons is an American animated television series created by Matt Groening. The show is set in the fictional city of Springfield. 

Below is a picture of what they used to look like- quite different from todays version

That's all from me about the simpsons but just to make you a little happy here a simpsons quote:

Hobo: “And thanks to that little girl, today you can find apples in everything that's good: Apple wine, apple whiskey, apple schnapps, apple martinis, uh, Snapple with vodka in it, apple nail polish remover ...”
Lisa: “Don't forget apple sauce.”
Hobo: “Yeah ... I suppose you could grind some pills into it.”

Nows here's a before and after pic of the simpsons:

Before:                                                                         After:

File:Simpsons FamilyPicture.pngSimpsons


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