Saturday, September 25, 2010

Commonwelth Games...

The Commonwealth Games is like the Olympics I think and this year it's happening in New Dheli, India. I will not be writing a lot because I don't really know much about it so I'm just giving a short briefing.

Commonwealth Games is like the Olympics as I mentioned before but I don't think it is as big as the Olympics. Countries like New Zealand, Australia, America and other countries around the world participate in this event but a lot are planning to pull out this year because there have been a lot of terrorist attacks in India lately. But I don't think the New Zealand teams have pulled out. One Australian Discuss Champion has pulled out because she says she doesn't want to take the risk.

So there is your short briefing about the Commonwealth Games that I didn't really know about until it showed on the news.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Commonwealth Games is a friendly competition between member countries who belong to the Commonwealth of Nations. This is held every 4 years and India was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to showcase itself to the world.

The athelets are pulling out amid concerns about living conditions and security risks. There is also the small issue about a brand-spanking-new bridge that collapsed.