Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hehehehehe...... Grandparents Galore

Yes, grandparents galore. Well that's because I have so many and I love them to bits. I have about 7 grandparents and they all spoil me a lot. Let me introduce them. Most of you people know my grandad who does the road thingamajig everyday for the school just to help out and he takes care of me when my mum and dad are at work. Also there is my grandma who loves me me so much, she comes and see's me everyday no matter where she is and loves getting kisses and hugs from me. There is another grandma of mine that also loves me a lot but can't able to see me because she doesn't live 2 minutes away like the first grandma I talked about. My other grandad AKA my grandma's husband loves me too but right now he is quite sick. Yet another grandma and she is the eldest out of the three and she loves her cleaning and something to do with making the house tidier. When I was little she took care of me and loves spending time with me. Unfortunately my grandad passed away when I wasn't even born but I know a lot about him because my mum keeps saying stuff about him. Last but not least is my great grandma. You should know about her because I wrote a blog post abut her a few days ago.

I really love my grandparents and they all play a huge part in my life and I am so glad there are in my life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, let set the record straight.

You have 2 grandparents here. These would be your mum's parents. I know you call then Nana and Nani.

Your dad's father, your Aaja, is in heaven. That leaves your paternal (father's-side) grandmother, your Aaji, who is currently in Fiji.

These would be your only grandparents BUT since we are Indians and we do not have a separate word for siblings (brothers and sisters) of your grandparents, who incedently would be called your great-uncles and great-aunts, you would still be calling them Aaja and Aaji if they are from your dad's family or Nani and Nani if they are from your mum's side of the family.

Pretty confusing, I know. I am still getting used to the never-ending Nanas, Nanis, Aajas and Aajis that I have.

I feel sorry for you having so many of them.